Public Meeting notes – One way system 10th April 2024
The below notes were taken at the meeting and are for public information.
CHURCH ST MEETING, 10 April 2024
A second meeting was held on 10 April 2024 at the Town Hall about the informal Suffolk Highways consultation on how to make Church St safer for pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles. The first week in March, Highways conducted a survey of Church, Broad, Wellington and Castle to set benchmarks down for the possibility of a one way system on Church Street.
Wayne Saunders represented Highways and before taking questions, briefly explained that Highways recommendation to stop vehicles mounting kerbs while maintaining parking (which was his brief) is a one way system entering from Broad St and exiting at the church. Mr Saunders emphasized that this was a suggestion and it was up to the town to decide how they wanted to move forward. Options include a one way system or keeping the two way traffic but losing a possible two parking places. He then briefly explained the data compiled in March.
The main questions and comments were:
Direction of traffic flow needs to be determined for one-way system. Does traffic enter from Broad Street and exit via Castle Street or enter from Castle Street and exit through Broad Street. Issues mentioned included safe access/egress for HGV’s, safety of children exiting vehicles when being dropped off/picked up from school, vehicle strikes on buildings at junction of Church Street and Broad Street.
More detailed traffic survey between Co-op on Church Street and Broad Street junction needs to be undertaken.
More detailed breakdown on traffic survey figures to highlight times of highest usage and identify demographic of highest users would be helpful.
Buckshorn Lane was not surveyed and should have been. It is dangerous as residents doors open immediately onto the lane. Improved signage/traffic restrictions are needed due to lorries getting wedged between houses at the south end of the land and to prevent Buckshorn Lane becoming a rat run between Castle Street and Church Street. Vehicle prohibited restriction such as on Wellington Road would be helpful.
Wellington Road needs improved/repositioned signage and improved monitoring/enforcement of vehicle prohibited restriction.
Follow up emails to the Town Clerk reiterated some of the above but also suggested exchanging the entrance and exit of the Buckshorn Lane carpark with a ‘No left turn sign’ directing traffic on to Church St and not up Buckshorn Lane.
It was explained that the Town Council was looking at holding an informal vote around the week of the Annual Parish Meeting on 15 May where the votes would be counted in public. This vote would be strictly on whether residents wanted to maintain two way traffic or wanted a one way system.
Further to the meeting, it was decided to potentially delay the vote until 15 June (Saturday) in order for the Council to publicise the vote and to explain the issues in more depth via Eye Magazine and social media. The Church St issue will be discussed at the ETC Full Council Meeting on 17 April at 7:30 pm in the Council Chamber as full council approval in moving forward is required.
Please note that how a one way system would be implemented or how the status quo two way system could be made safer will take place by the Traffic Management Committee consisting of councillors, resident volunteers (yes you!) and Highways. Either decision will probably involve losing at least two parking spaces near the pinch point. Either decision will cost money that may have to be borne by future rate increases.