Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays
Every Tuesday
Cycling in Eye
50 to 60 mile ride with cafe stop organised by the same club from outside the cafe at 09:30 every Tuesday at a pace of around 17mph. You will need to join the club at some point but they are happy for you to just turn up and either chat or try the ride out if you are interested !!!!!
Contact Chas Walker for more details of any of the above at
“Little Doves” Parent and Toddler Group Dove Hall. Term time 9.00-11.30 am. £1.50 per family, first session free. Snack provided. contact Sarah 01379 783983.
BounceBack Fitness and Pilates – Zumba Fitness, Eye Community Centre, 10.00-10.45 am.
Baby Clinic, Eye Health Centre, 1.30-3.30 pm.
Eye and Denham Model Railway Club, Denham Village Hall, 6.30 pm. Contact John Akerman 01379 870458.
Line Dancing, Eye Community Centre, 7.00: 10:00 pm.
1st Eye Scout Group. 10–14 year-olds, term time, 7.30-9.15pm, Scout Hut, Wellington Road. Contact Juliet Grimes 01379668088.
Castleton Brass at Mid Suffolk Business Park, Eye, 7.30pm-9.30pm. New players welcome, contact 01449672600
New Age Kurling for the 55+ age group - in Eye Town Hall, 10.00am – 12.00pm. First session free, then £4.50 per session.
A new sport, accessible to all.
Contact: Kim Bilner on 01473345350; or email:
First Tuesday of every month
Feast of Poetry, for details of venue please ring Pauline 01379870573.
Cancer Suport Group
First Tuesday of the month meeting in the Micheal Burke Wellbeing Centre 10 until 12 pm
Donations accepted to help our Community work. For further information please contact 01379873186
Every other Tuesday
SHIMS (Suffolk Help In Multiple Sclerosis), Eye Branch meets at the Vine Church, Church Street, Eye, 2.00-4.00 pm. Contact Chris Earle 01379 855416.
Stitch Group at The Bank 11.00am, expert help with sewing, moderate help with knitting. Telephone Rebecca on 01379 873495 for more information on this and other regular classes.
Every First Tuesday
Hartismer Place Day Care Centre
Monthly Wellbeing Cafe and Namaste taster session from 10.30 – 12.00 Join us for our next event
Full details can be found here
Call 01379888178
Every Second and Fourth Tuesday
Child Health Clinic, Eye Children’s Centre, Church Street, Eye, 10.00am-12 noon.
Every Fourth Tuesday
Blossom Folk Choir, This is Blossom’s latest idea, and anyone can join in. Men, Women, young and not so young, come and sing with sat Blossom Folk. 7.30 pm at the Hexagon Broad Street Eye.
Eye Bowls Club
Bowling April to September – everyone welcome to watch / participate.
Whist Drives every 2nd and 4th Monday evenings (in 5 week month extra one on 5th Monday) start prompt 7pm last one March 28th – start again autumn. Sally Butcher 01379 87128
Eye District Badminton Club
Badminton at Hoxne Village Hall, Tuesday morn- ings 9:30am to 11:30am, for beginners/intermedi- ates & returners of all ages. John or Steph Dakin on 01379870871 or 07904910284.
Eye Bridge Club
Weekly duplicate sessions on Tuesdays in Eye Town Hall. Please arrive by 1.25pm for a prompt 1.30pm start. Mike Barr 01379870853
Dove Social Club
Over 18s Tuesdays in term-time only come in for a chat and relaxing afternoon in the Dove Hall, Dove Lane from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Jonathan
7NH. Book online: - search well-being walks Maryanne Henderson
Last Tuesday of the month
Eye Community Centre 2.00pm-4.00pm. Time for chatting, laughter, tea and cake. All welcome – friends and helpers. Local lifts available. Tricia Brown 01379871959