The Council Working Committees
Although all major decisions are made at the full council meeting a great deal of planning and discussion happens at the council’s working committees. Each Committee is chaired by a Town Councillor and notes of the meetings are taken. The current committees are as follows:-
The Planning Committee
- Deals with formulating a recommendation to the full council on planning applications
- Meets the 3rd Monday in the month at 6.30 pm in the Town Hall Council Chamber. Public welcome.
- Current chair is Cllr Tunie Brandon
The Environment Committee
- Deals with management of sites and facilities managed by the council – to include allotments, pocket park (maintenance and safety checks), skate park (maintenance and safety checks), Churchyard, Eye Cemetery and Chapels (grounds maintenance only).Public toilets, street lights, street cleaning, street furniture, Rights of Way, Christmas lights. Highways (Consultees)
- Normally meets the first Tuesday in the month at 7.00 pm in the Town Hall Council Chamber. Public welcome.
- Current Chair is Cllr Mike Smith
The Finance and Governance Committee
- Deals with the policy and financial functions of the council; major support and continuity to the council’s work ensuring it meets necessary regulations. To include the process and record keeping linked to burials. This committee acts as a scrutiny committee for the rest of the council committees.
- Normally meets 1st Thursday of the month at 7.00 pm in the Council Chamber. Public welcome.
- Current Chair is Cllr Bruce Salter
The Events and Town Hall Committee
- Responsible for all aspects of management of Eye Town Hall.
- Normally meets 2nd Monday of the month at 7.00 pm in the Council Chamber. Public welcome.
- Current Chair is Cllr. Brian Ahearne